Are you at a mid-life crossroads, 

feeling adrift in your career?

You're not alone

It's a common phase for high achievers to reach to a point, where redefining success becomes imperative - a pivotal moment to transition and leap into a life that's both fulfilling and successful.

Feels familiar?

You’re a high achiever on a successful career path—but something’s missing.

You have what many would consider to be a dream job, but you’re feeling burned out and miserable working long hours, drowning in responsibilities, expectations, emails and meetings.

You know something must change, but you feel stuck.

The truth is that your feeling of burnout and exhaustion doesn’t come from working long hours but from doing so much with so little reward. In other words, you’re working hard, but it feels hollow.

That’s because the motivation that drove you to this point isn't sufficient to lead you to the next peek in your journey.

But how do you navigate this change without jeopardizing your hard-earned achievements?

  • How do you find the new motivation?
  • How can you maintain success without succumbing to burnout?
  • Is it possible to integrate meaning, fulfillment, and success seamlessly?
  • And how do you muster the courage to pivot when your entire identity revolves around your job and title?
  • Most importantly, how do you uncover the roadmap for your next chapter?

The “Engineering a career of purpose & impact” transformational framework helps you find purpose, meaning and redefine success when working harder is not the answer

What results can you expect?


  • Clearly define the highest vision of your life
  • Redefine what alignment looks like for you
  • Design your next professional path that will provide success, fulfillment and impact

Professional Rebranding

  • Discover your unique gifts and human design
  • Uncover your Genius zone and unique ability
  • Leap into their genius zone to combine success and fulfillment and beyond hard work to purpose & impact

Mindset Upgrade

  • Identify and liberate yourself from limiting beliefs and blind spots
  • Shift from paradigms of succeeding to truly Thriving
  • Uplevel your mindset to align with your new identity

Embrace the next step

  • Experiment with new possibilities to confidently leap into new levels of fulfillment professionally and personally
  • Design the process to create a life of intention, fulfillment and success – hence a life of no regrets

YES! You can have It all: Success and fulfillment

Request a free consultation with Gabriela to discover how she can help you reach new levels of fulfillment personally & professionally

I’ve had the pleasure of exchanging with Gabriela for over 2 years now. Very few people share her emotional intelligence, calm demeanor and ability to help you see things in a clearer way. If you are looking for ways to grow, feel stuck or just want a safe, challenging and stimulating outlet, I strongly recommend Gabriela. Although we usually feel such a service is most needed in times of crises, you can achieve immense progress during calmer times.

Try out Gabriela now, thank me later...

Steve Sebag

Senior Wealth Advisor & Senior Portfolio Manager

Here’s what you can expect from working with Gabriela

Gabriela understands the challenges you're facing because she has been there too. She leverages her engineering background and extensive experience having worked with more than 1,200 clients, to empower high achievers like you to engineer legendary careers and create a life of no regrets.


Become crystal clear about your ideal career, one that will provide success, meaning and impact


Find the motivation and inner drive that will catapult you towards the next career peak

Leap Forward

Leap into your genius zone to experience success and fulfillment beyond hard work

Testimonials & Reviews

Gabriela came to my rescue ...

as I was in the midst of a very sensitive career transition. I had felt the need for a positive career change, where I can realize my potential and not be encumbered by fears and nuisances that degrade the quality of life, work and well-being. Through Gabriela’s proven and perfected coaching techniques and her superb quality as a human being, she was instrumental in helping me see clearly through the miasma of misgivings and fear of uncertainty; and emerge a stronger and braver man.
I am now embarking on one of the biggest changes in my professional career, and it is due to Gabriela’s work with me that I feel more adept at facing life’s endless mystery and boundless uncertainty. Instead of fearing failure, I now look forward to the enriching experience and personal growth in my endeavors

Anas Karkoukli //  Software Delivery Executive

I graduated in a field that I knew wasn't for me,

I graduated in a field that I knew wasn't for me, and I've been working in this field for over 5 years now. It came to a point where it was affecting me personally and I just wasn't happy with the career path that I chose. I spent a lot of time trying to do some soul-searching, but I just felt lost and confused. I felt stuck because I'm in my thirties, getting married next year, and have a mortgage and car to pay for. I reached out to Gabriela for help and decided to proceed with her program. Just after three sessions, she helped me discover myself and figure out my unique abilities. For the first time in my life I finally feel motivated to achieve something in terms of my career! If anyone is experiencing a similar situation, I highly recommend Gabriela!

Christopher Anzovino //  Associate, Investment Consulting

Gabriela is a wonderful coach who ...

Gabriela is a wonderful coach who takes you through journey of "self-reflection", in a unique and thought provoking way. Her sessions helped me develop a deepen understanding of my natural abilities and how to hone them to my advantage. I thank her for being my coach and I strongly recommend her as coach.

Raghu Nagendra Akula //  Program Director

Take the 1st step towards a career of success & fulfillment

How we Connect

  • Expect: a phone call
  • Schedule: ½ hour consultation via Zoom
  • We talk: Learn about each other & decide if working together is a good fit